Cohen & Cohen Law Personal Injury Attorneys | Hollywood, FL | Call 800-332-6436

Discussing Your Car Accident with Your Employer

May 18, 2016 – Adam Mann

Discussing Your Car Accident with Your Employer | Hollywood, FL | Call 800-332-6436

As many would agree, a car accident is an unfortunate and often unavoidable circumstance to deal with, especially if you are the victim of someone else’s negligent behavior. And, if an injury has occurred due to that negligence, it can cause a wide range of interruptions in your day-to-day life, including your personal well-being, your financial stability and your job.

If you or a loved one has recently been in a major auto accident, here are some tips for discussing the details with your employer:


Notify your employer as soon as possible.

Regardless of whether you believe you’ve been injured or not, it’s always a smart decision to contact your employer right away. Perhaps you’re experiencing a concussion and aren’t immediately aware of it. Or maybe you’ve fractured a bone that will prevent you from doing your job later on. No matter what the potential injury (or emotional damage) caused, your employer will likely be more understanding of your situation and medical needs if you tell them in advance.


After seeing a doctor, discuss the details with your supervisor.

Once a doctor has assessed your injuries and has determined whether or not you should return to work, you should discuss the details with your employer as soon as possible. See if they are willing to work around your needs or if there is a possibility for a temporary leave of absence. If you’re unable to contact them yourself due to your injuries, have a friend or family member contact your employer and explain that you are medically unable to work at this time.


Gather and provide proof, if needed.

It may be asked of you to provide documentation of your medical records. To best prepare for that situation, remember to keep a receipt of every doctor visit, prescription purchase, medical test, and any other accident-related document in order to provide your employer with proof, should they require it. You can also call your doctor’s office, hospital, pharmacy, etc. to have them send over your records, as well.


Ask about accident/injury leave days, if any are available. 

See if you are able to take any accident/injury leave days and see what the status of your job will be while you have to be out of the office (even if only temporarily). Depending on the extent of your injuries, you may be able to create a schedule that works for both parties. Just be clear with how much time you will need for recovery (including physical therapy or any emotional/psychological therapy), and be sure to get a clear picture of what’s expected from you from your employer.

In addition to the tips mentioned above, it may be in your best interest to generate a list of questions that might pertain to your job and any concerns associated with keeping it while you recover.

If you are still unsure of next steps and would like to speak with an attorney about your accident, contact our team today for a free consultation.


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