Driving Safety Tips for You and Trick-Or-Treaters This Halloween
October 24, 2017 – Adam Mann

On a holiday full of outdoor excitement like Halloween, it’s important to be cautious while on the road, even before it gets dark. With many people walking around both at night and before sunset (for the younger trick-or-treaters), make sure that you’re following all the rules of the road, paying close attention, and using these important tips to stay safe.
Tips for Drivers on Halloween:
Don’t drink and drive.
Whether you’re planning to celebrate this festive holiday at a bar or a house party, or are just anticipating being on the road the night of, be sure to plan your trip accordingly. If you or people you know will be drinking on Halloween (or during the weekend before Halloween), plan to have a taxi or Uber/Lyft ride available to you for your trip home.
Watch for pedestrians.
At night, it’s much more challenging to see things while driving. But what some people forget is that families with small children will likely be walking around even before it gets dark, especially in residential areas. So be sure to keep an eye out starting as early as 3 p.m., and to be especially cautious when the sun starts to set, as it can already be very difficult to see during that time of day as it is.
Drive slower than you usually would.
When you’re trying to make it to an event on time, it can be hard to arrive on time with holiday traffic. Leave early and plan to drive more slowly than you typically would, especially while traveling through neighborhoods. Some costumes may hard to see as it gets darker outside, so be mindful of your speed while traveling where trick-or-treaters may be walking. Additionally, make sure to turn on your lights and take care when driving around bends or turns on highway roads as well.
Watch out for potential driving hazards.
Unfortunately, the holidays can result in a lot of people on the road who may be under the influence of alcohol. If you suspect someone is driving under the influence, call 911. Other potential hazards to keep in mind are fallen Halloween decorations in the streets, neighbors congregating near the roadways, or children getting in and out of vehicles transporting them around the neighborhood. Watch for children not paying attention before passing around a parked car or a car with their hazards on.
Tips for Trick-Or-Treaters:
Teach children how to safely cross streets.
Whether you’re trick-or-treating with your children or not, it’s important they know to look both ways before crossing the street and how to read traffic signals at crosswalks, especially if they’re not accustomed to walking around certain areas of a neighborhood. If your trick-or-treating route doesn’t include sidewalks, make sure to walk facing the traffic and stay to the side and out of the way. If you have little ones, be sure to hold their hands to make sure they do not run ahead or walk in an unsafe area.
Give them flashlights, glow sticks or reflective tape.
In a study by Safe Kids USA, it showed that children are more than twice as likely to be killed by a car while walking on Halloween during 4 and 10 p.m. than at any other time of the year. That’s why you should do everything possible to prepare for a safe Halloween experience for your children. Add a luminous item like a flashlight or reflective tape to their trick-or-treat bags or on a costume. You’ll also want to ensure that their costumes aren’t too long to trip and fall on and masks do not block their vision.
Remind them to be cautious getting in and out of cars that are transporting them.
If you or another parent is chauffeuring trick-or-treaters around the neighborhood by car, be sure the car’s hazards are on when stopping frequently and suddenly. When children are re-entering the car, encourage them to get in from the driveway-side, or look both ways before trying to enter from the road. The driver should also help them identify when it is safe to enter the vehicle. The car should be in park before they enter and exit. Children should also be able to identify cars backing up and turning so they know not to enter or go in the path of the moving vehicle.
What to Do If an Accident Occurs Anyway:
Even when drivers are cautious, accidents can still occur. Should you or a loved one experience a personal injury during Halloween, contact our team today and we’ll help determine your next steps.
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