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National Pedestrian Safety Month

October 17, 2022 – Adam Mann

National Pedestrian Safety Month | Hollywood, FL | Call 800-332-6436

October is National Pedestrian Safety Month. Over 7,500 pedestrians died in 2021 alone because they were hit by a vehicle while walking. Nationwide there were 2.3 deaths per billion vehicles traveled. That is 2% more than last year. Due to a high percentage of pedestrian deaths per year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration created this event. It is a national educational outreach whose goal is to heighten awareness to both motorists and the pedestrians walking. This year the U.S. Department of Transportation also declared October pedestrian safety month. Their purpose: celebrating the right to walk or roll safely and reminding drivers it is their responsibility to be aware of walkers, cyclists and other road users.


Recently, the DOT Federal Highway Administration published a Pedestrian Lighting Primer. Putting lighting in pedestrian facilities plays a vital role in increasing the safety performance of those who use the road: walkers, cyclers or drivers. Pedestrians are vulnerable the most during dark conditions so these lighting installations will help secure the safety of pedestrians of all ages, as well as individuals who use mobility devices. This will help drivers see pedestrians better and help pedestrians have a better view of the area around. 


The Federal Highway Administration also partnered with the Federal Transit Administration and published a guide to improve safety for bicyclists and pedestrians accessing transit. It can also be used to help people have a better understanding of how to address safety for pedestrians and bikers trying to access transit. 


This guide includes five core principles:


  • physical safety of transit riders while using transit systems is crucial to the success of transit
  • pedestrian and bicycling routes to access transit should have a reflection of a connected network of roadway, sidewalk and bicyclist facilities
  • transit use can lower area overall vehicular causing accidents
  • transit stops are pedestrian and bicyclists generator and is the pivotal focus to reducing risk of non-vehicular accidents occurring
  • transit breaks can enhance the safety of riders but also be usable for everyone


Federal Highway Administration Office of Safety is following what they call a “focused approach” which targets specific issues that include pedestrian and bicyclist safety in jurisdictions nationwide. In fact, programs have started infiltrating this and have undertaken changes to tackling this issue. A survey issued during a Summit for Pedestrian Safety showed that 46% of those who participated believe that street design and technology is what will lead to bigger long term gains in the future of pedestrian safety improvements. 


Finally, the Federal Highway Administration created the Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) which offers resources like videos. 


Through this initiative, FHWA will do the following to improve pedestrian crossing locations and lower crash risks:

  • raise crosswalks
  • road diets
  • leading pedestrian intervals
  • cross visibility enhancements
  • rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB)


For the past 50 plus years, Cohen and Cohen Law has helped people with issues like this. Contact us or go online today for a free consultation with a Florida Personal Injury Lawyer! We can win you the money that you deserve today.


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